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Phone: 781-239-9920  //  Fax: 781-239-9921  // Email:

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American Weekends provides tours for international and domestic students

studying in the Boston area.

Our regularly scheduled trips include many of North America's

most popular destinations such as New York City, Niagara Falls, Washington,

D.C., Philadelphia, and Montreal.


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New York City

Experience the view of a lifetime
as you visit the Empire State
Building where we take the
elevator up 102 floors to the
observation tower...

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Niagara Falls

Experience the magic of the mighty Niagara - one of the most sought after destinations in the world...

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Washington, D.C.

Discover the beauty of our Nation's

Capital - abundant space and

greenery, marble buildings, and no

tall buildings. Washington is unlike

any other major American city...

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Discover Montreal, the second

largest French speaking city in

the world...

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We provide weekend trips to most English Language schools and programs
in the Boston area.
Your school’s Activity Director can sign you up for
any of our trips or contact us directly at 781-239-9920.

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Copyright 2012 American Weekends